tiistai 22. kesäkuuta 2021

Some game related highlights: UI-art & design, illustrations, team projects etc.


Vancouver 2010: the official Mobile Game (game- and UI design, some art)

Logo design

UI-design and art

UI-design, own art and outsourced art

UI-design, card designs (+economy-, monetization-, balancing-, live-ops- etc. "full palette of F2P" design)

Watercolor art

Ink art

"Virtual" product design

Illustration of "Suppertime"

Game-, UI- and economy design (Not own art)

Prototyping, game-, UI- and economy design (Not own art)

Ink art just for fun

Location based game: UI-polishing, some art

Marketing art

Traditional art + digital coloring

Core- and meta game design

Marble Mixer: one of the first iPad games ever with innovative "what to do with 11 fingers mechanic"

Traditional art

Traditional art

Traditional art

Traditional art

Card design

Ink art

Composition (design) for outsourcing

Hobby art